M22 Stella


The M22 Stella is the newest, most advanced, and powerful modular multi-application platform by Lumenis. It contains IPL and ResurFX. ResurFX is a non-ablative fractional laser, meaning that its laser energy is broken into narrow beams that target a fraction of the skin’s surface, while leaving the rest intact to promote healing. 

In non-ablative resurfacing, ResurFX delivers heat into the skin through thousands of tiny, deep columns known as microthermal treatment zones. The treatment eliminates old epidermal pigmented cells and deposits heat deep into the dermis to tighten skin and stimulate collagen remodeling. Surface tissue is unaffected. As collagen increases, the skin appears youthful and firm. This process aids in the repair of scarring, fine lines and texture issues. ResurFX optimizes patient comfort just as much as effectiveness by integrating a cooling system. 

ResurFX has been clinically proven to show effective results in a series of treatments depending on the patient’s goals. A variety of concerns such as acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, enlarged pores, stretch marks, minor scars from injuries or previous surgeries can be treated by ResurFX.
